Global Market Outlook For Solar Power 2020 - 2024

SolarPower Europe’s annual award-winning Global Market Outlook for Solar Power is the most authoritative market analysis report for the global solar power sector.

With comprehensive historical market data, 5-year forecasts for the key global markets, as well as analysis of the segmentation between rooftop and ground-mounted systems, this report is an indispensable tool for the solar industry and energy stakeholders alike.

In this year’s edition has a special focus on the Sub-Saharan Africa region, in cooperation with GET.invest. In addition, the report explores solar developments in countries around the globe that installed more than 1 GW of solar in 2019 – 16 countries reached the GW-scale, which is five more GW-scale solar markets than in 2018.

In 2019, the global solar power sector returned to a two-digit growth path, increasing by 13% to 116.9 GW, marking a new annual installation record.

This growth helped solar to expand its annual share among all other power generation technologies to 48% – in other words, almost half of the global net power plant capacity installed in 2019 was based on solar PV technology. While solar’s combined electricity output reached a mere 2.6%, this highlights the immense growth potential, which is increasingly in reach. 
