A Global Apollo Programme to Combat Climate Change

A major global research programme to make clean electricity less costly than electricity from coal within 10 years.

The contributors, who bring together experience from business, academia and government, argue that anything less would make it impossible to contain the world’s temperature rise within the crucial 2˚C limit that has been internationally agreed.

The report says: “In the Cold War the Apollo Programme placed a man on the moon. This programme engaged many of the best minds in America. Today we need a global Apollo programme to tackle climate change; but this time the effort needs to be international. We need a major international scientific and technological effort, funded by both public and private money.”

“The greatest scientific challenge facing the world is the need for clean energy that costs less than that from fossil fuel,” says the report.

Supporters say:

“Reducing the cost of solar electricity generation and storage technologies would be a game-changer in transforming the world’s energy systems…The Global Apollo Programme is an important proposal, and I hope countries will contribute both financial and technological resources to this public good.” Dr Kandeh K. Yumkella


  • Source: Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) & London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • Publication Date: 06/2015
  • Country: United Kingdom