Climatescope 2016

Climatescope tracks the conditions for clean energy investment on and off the grid, and provides a wealth of publicly-available information on 58 emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean.

Some key findings: 

  • Steep solar equipment cost declines are catalysing build and driving growth. Investment in utility-scale solar in Climatescope nations spiked 43% to $71.8bn in 2015.
  • Cheap solar, innovative business models, and a new breed of entrepreneurs are revolutionizing how energy access issues are addressed in least developed nations.
  • Developed economies are accelerating funding for clean energy in emerging markets.
  • Some Climatescope countries with the highest rates of clean energy penetration are beginning to encounter integration challenges.
  • Improving conditions and rising ambitions are reflected in higher scores achieved by the majority of countries surveyed under Climatescope.


  • Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF)
  • Publication Date: 12/2016
  • Country: United States
  • Language: English