International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic. Results 2013

The photovoltaic (PV) industry has to provide power generation products that are competitive with  conventional and other renewable sources of energy. An international technology roadmap helps to  identify trends and define requirements for necessary improvements.

The aim of the SEMI International  Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic (ITRPV) is to inform suppliers and customers about expected technology trends in the field of crystalline silicon (c-Si) photovoltaic and to add to discussions on  required improvements and standards. The objective of the roadmap is not to recommend detailed  technical solutions for identified areas of improvement, but to emphasize to the PV community the  need for improvement and to encourage comprehensive solutions to be found.

The present, fifth  edition of the ITRPV was jointly prepared by 28 leading international c-Si solar cell manufacturers,  module manufacturers, silicon producers, wafer suppliers, PV equipment suppliers and production  material providers, as well as PV research institutes. The present publication covers the entire PV  value chain from crystallization, wafering and cell manufacturing to module manufacturing and PV systems. Significant parameters set out in earlier editions are reviewed along with some new ones, and discussions about emerging trends in the PV industry are reported.


  • Source: International Technology Roadmap for PV (ITRPV)
  • Publication Date: 03/2014
  • Language: English