Solar PV status report for Lebanon 2019

The 2019 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Status Report for Lebanon, developed and published in its fifth edition in 2021, highlights the status and the growth of the solar PV market by presenting and analyzing all its available data.

This report is based on data collected from local participating solar PV companies with installed and operational systems across different regions until the end of 2019 in both the private and the public sectors including the PV projects implemented through the NEEREA national financing mechanism.

The analyzed data enables the understanding of the solar PV market growth in Lebanon over time through various indicators such as installed capacity, energy generation, number and type of projects, value of investments, monetary and environmental savings, financial incentives, and geographical distribution.

Some key findings:

  • Lebanon’s energy generation by Électricité du Liban (EDL) reached 15.39 TWh in 2019.
  • Total investment in the solar PV sector up to the end of 2019 reached $125.83 Million.
  • The number of new solar PV projects per year increased from 25 in 2011 to 360 in 2019.
  • The Top 3 project types prevailing in the solar PV Market in Lebanon are On-grid with 45.74 MWp at 58%, Solar PV Pumping with 12.71 MWp at 16%, and Hybrid/- Multisource with 9.93 MWp at 13%.


  • Source: The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC)
  • Publication Date: 03/2021
  • Country: Lebanon
  • Language: English